
Wales, United Kingdom

English>Lithuanian, Lithuanian>English

KUDO certified

Level 6 DPI Diploma - IoLet (UK)

5+ years of simultaneous and consecutive interpreting experience in a variety of settings: Public service (Courts, police, probation, social services, healthcare setting, employment services, etc.) and Private sector (training sessions, insurance companies, entertainment, etc.).

5+ years of translation and bilingual proofreading experience (legal, medical, financial).

Currently completing the final year of Psychology (Bachelor's degree) at Vytautas Magnus University.

Phiên Dịch Viên
الإنجليزية, آخر
مرشد سياحي, زيارة المعرض, اجتماع عمل العام, شرطة, محكمة, طبي, ندوة التوالي، تفسير, المقصورة (1 من 2 شخص), المقصورة (1 شخص يغطي جميع)
Level 6 DPI diploma -IoLet; Psychology (Bachelor)
5+ years interpreting, translation, proofreading

PS Interpreting: Moj, NHS, Social Services, Police, Immigration&Assylum tribunals, employment tribunals, etc.

Private sector: Heimtextil, entertainment (weddings), tour guide, etc.

Legal; Mental health

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