English - Chinese Temporary/ Short-term Interpreter in HCMC

حول هذا المستخدم

Phiên Dịch Viên
الإنجليزية, صينى
مرشد سياحي, كشك الحضور, زيارة المعرض, زيارة مصنع, مرافقة, اجتماع عمل العام
English commerce translation class
3 years

Accompanying foreign managers to some business events.

Business (education, textiles,covering materials,electric equipments).
مستوى 4

حول هذه القائمة

الإنجليزية, صينى
زيارة المعرض, اجتماع عمل العام, مساعد في الوقت الحقيقي
في الموقع تفسير, تفسير عن بعد

To those whom may concern,

I am a 26-year-old female Vietnamese, who has been learning English and Mandarin for some years now. Both languages was first learnt all on my own, then I did take some language proficiency tests. Meanwhile trying to be better through actual practice with people using these languages as either their mother tongue or their second language. Surely do I know: there is still long way ahead for me to actually fluent in languages have I learnt, but honestly, I am a fast learner and an assiduous worker. Hence, wish to be considered for fitting chances.

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