*Special Listing*


英语, 越南语, 日语, 中文, 韩语, 泰语, 印尼语, 西班牙语, 俄语, 法语, 巴西葡萄牙语, 阿拉伯语, 印地语, 其他
旅行观光, PG, 出席展位, 参观展会, 参观工厂, 护航舰, 一般的商务会议, 高级商务会议, 并购谈判, 警察审问, 庭审, 医疗, 交替传译研讨会, MC, 同声传译(2人之1), 同声传译 (1人全包)

Per discussions with Freelensia

Per discussions with Freelensia

This is a special listing for direct payment of the event fee for Freelensia interpretation events. Only make the payment in this listing when you have discussed and agreed to the details with Freelensia Support Team. Email support@freelensia.com for more details.

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