
167-0022, Tokyo, Japan

Worked in publication importing companies for more than 20 years in total engaging in importing, distributing, and communication in English. I have also performed translation/interpretation for English↔Japanese in the following areas as well as coordination for workshops.

 Interpreted for general business meetings, excursions, workshops, lectures, private sessions of counseling/personal development, therapy, dance work, etc. Interpreted for Japanese guests and visitors including media coverage on cruise ships. Assisted clients especially in workshops, private sessions and excursions.

 Translated letters, business-related materials, marketing materials, contracts, product briefs, power points, English homepages, daily programs/safety announcements/menus on cruise ships, tour materials and created brochures.

 Coordinated for English speakers/teachers and Japanese publishers/organizers for workshops, etc.

 Supported coordination for events, sales promotions, and public relations.

 Assisted coordination for overseas marketing surveys.


 通訳ー:一般のビジネスミーティング、エクスカーション、ワークショップ、講義、カウンセリング・自己啓発、セラピーの個人セッション、ダンスワークなどの逐次通訳。客船にて日本人顧客とメディアを含むビジターのための通訳。ワークショップ、個人セッション、エクスカーションでのクライアントサポート。

 翻訳:手紙(英日・日英)、ビジネス関連、マーケティング関連の文書、契約書、商品説明、パワーポイント、英語のホームページ、客船のデイリープログラム、安全のためのアナウンス、メニュー。ツアーの案内書、パンフレット作製(英日)。

 上記の仕事に関連して英語スピーカー・講師と日本の出版社・オーガナイザー間でワークショップ等のコーディネート。

 イベント、セールスプロモーション、パブリックリレーション等のサポート。

 海外マーケティングサーベイのコーディネーションサポート(英日、日英)。

English, Japanese
Exhibition visit, General business meeting, Consecutive-interpretation seminar
Majored in English in Dokkyo University
Worked in publication importing companies for more than 20 years in total engaging in importing, distributing, and communication in English. I have also performed translation/interpretation for English↔Japanese in the following areas as well as coordination for workshops.

 Interpreted for general business meetings, excursions, workshops, lectures, private sessions of counseling/personal development, therapy, dance work, etc. Interpreted for Japanese guests and visitors including media coverage on cruise ships. Assisted clients especially in workshops, private sessions and excursions.

 Translated letters, business-related materials, marketing materials, contracts, product briefs, power points, English homepages, daily programs/safety announcements/menus on cruise ships, tour materials and created brochures.

 Coordinated for English speakers/teachers and Japanese publishers/organizers for workshops, etc.

 Supported coordination for events, sales promotions, and public relations.

 Assisted coordination for overseas marketing surveys.

Personal development

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