
167-0022, Tokyo, Japan

Worked in publication importing companies for more than 20 years in total engaging in importing, distributing, and communication in English. I have also performed translation/interpretation for English↔Japanese in the following areas as well as coordination for workshops.

 Interpreted for general business meetings, excursions, workshops, lectures, private sessions of counseling/personal development, therapy, dance work, etc. Interpreted for Japanese guests and visitors including media coverage on cruise ships. Assisted clients especially in workshops, private sessions and excursions.

 Translated letters, business-related materials, marketing materials, contracts, product briefs, power points, English homepages, daily programs/safety announcements/menus on cruise ships, tour materials and created brochures.

 Coordinated for English speakers/teachers and Japanese publishers/organizers for workshops, etc.

 Supported coordination for events, sales promotions, and public relations.

 Assisted coordination for overseas marketing surveys.


 通訳ー:一般のビジネスミーティング、エクスカーション、ワークショップ、講義、カウンセリング・自己啓発、セラピーの個人セッション、ダンスワークなどの逐次通訳。客船にて日本人顧客とメディアを含むビジターのための通訳。ワークショップ、個人セッション、エクスカーションでのクライアントサポート。

 翻訳:手紙(英日・日英)、ビジネス関連、マーケティング関連の文書、契約書、商品説明、パワーポイント、英語のホームページ、客船のデイリープログラム、安全のためのアナウンス、メニュー。ツアーの案内書、パンフレット作製(英日)。

 上記の仕事に関連して英語スピーカー・講師と日本の出版社・オーガナイザー間でワークショップ等のコーディネート。

 イベント、セールスプロモーション、パブリックリレーション等のサポート。

 海外マーケティングサーベイのコーディネーションサポート(英日、日英)。

Phiên Dịch Viên
Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Nhật
Tham quan triển lãm, Họp thông thường, Hội thảo dịch cắt đoạn
Majored in English in Dokkyo University
Worked in publication importing companies for more than 20 years in total engaging in importing, distributing, and communication in English. I have also performed translation/interpretation for English↔Japanese in the following areas as well as coordination for workshops.

 Interpreted for general business meetings, excursions, workshops, lectures, private sessions of counseling/personal development, therapy, dance work, etc. Interpreted for Japanese guests and visitors including media coverage on cruise ships. Assisted clients especially in workshops, private sessions and excursions.

 Translated letters, business-related materials, marketing materials, contracts, product briefs, power points, English homepages, daily programs/safety announcements/menus on cruise ships, tour materials and created brochures.

 Coordinated for English speakers/teachers and Japanese publishers/organizers for workshops, etc.

 Supported coordination for events, sales promotions, and public relations.

 Assisted coordination for overseas marketing surveys.

Personal development

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