Freelensia Interpreter Interview Reservation

Về bài đăng này

Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Việt, Tiếng Nhật
Họp thông thường
Phiên dịch từ xa

This is a special listing used to reserve a Skype/Zoom interview with an interpreter. The interview will be conducted between the client, the interpreter, and Freelensia at a time convenient for all parties. The meeting will be conducted in English, Japanese or Vietnamese and should last no more than 30 minutes. The client and interpreter are not allowed to exchange contact information during this meeting.

The price to conduct the interview is 15 USD.

The client will pay the amount described in the reservation fee field online via credit card. If the client decides to reserve the interpreter then another reservation fee is to be paid at the interpreter's listing appropriate to the client's event.

For questions and suggestions regarding the interview process, please contact Freelensia support by writing to

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