Looking for cabin interpretation service in Saigon

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Đồng thời (1 người dịch hết)
20 Tháng sáu năm 2017
8:30 AM
20 Tháng sáu năm 2017

We plan to have a seminar on 20 Jun in Sheraton Saigon in the field of digital banking. We would like to request for proposal for:

  • Simultaneous translators 2 languages: English- Vietnamese (this listing)

    Please give a full-packaged quotation (you provide your own second interpreter)

In addition, please provide

- 30-50 headsets

- Simultaneous booth

these services are provided outside of Freelensia.

Please give a quotation for the two services separately.

We are also looking for the same service in Hanoi on 22 June. Our other listing is here:


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