EN<>IT interpreter in Rome (One day)

Về người dùng này

Phiên Dịch Viên
Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Pháp, Tiếng Khác
Trực gian hàng, Tham quan triển lãm, Tham quan nhà máy, Họp thông thường, Họp cấp cao, Đàm phán, M&A, Y tế, Hội thảo dịch cắt đoạn, Đồng thời (1 trong 2 người), Đồng thời (1 người dịch toàn bộ)
Master's Degree in Conference Interpreting
Professional conference interpreter

AITI Associate Member (Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters), n. 216013

Conference interpreter accredited to the Representation of the European Commission in Rome.


Interpretation (simultaneous, consecutive, whispering, liaison, remote interpreting) during conferences, meetings and workshops in Italy and abroad organized by the Representation of the EU in Rome, the European Economic and Social Committee, the EU Committee of the Regions, the EU Commission, NGOs, universities, Italian Ministries, Malta EU Presidency, Italia EU Presidency, NATO Defence College Foundation, the Vatican, the Superior Council of Judiciary, the International Institute of Justice and Counterterrorism Forum, USAFRICOM, FAO, Italian regional governments (Lazio, Campania, Lombardia, Umbria, Toscana), pharmaceutical companies, psychotherapy schools, during exhibitions (boat, tourism, environment, energy shows), 13th FINA World Championships Roma 09 and for several multinational companies, agencies and associations

Pharmaceutical sector, medicine, law enforcement, legal sector, EU insitution, international organizations and institutions, human rights, tourism, economy, environment, sport, fashion


Về bài đăng này

Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Khác
Tham quan triển lãm, Tham quan nhà máy, Họp thông thường, Họp cấp cao, Khám chữa bệnh, Hội thảo dịch nối tiếp, Đồng thời (1 trong 2 người)
Phiên dịch tại chỗ, Phiên dịch từ xa

Interpretation (simultaneous, consecutive, whispering, liaison, remote interpreting) during conferences, meetings and workshops in Italy and abroad organized by the Representation of the EU in Rome, the European Economic and Social Committee, the EU Committee of the Regions, the EU Commission, NGOs, universities, Italian Ministries, Malta EU Presidency, Italia EU Presidency, NATO Defence College Foundation, the Vatican, the Superior Council of Judiciary, the International Institute of Justice and Counterterrorism Forum, USAFRICOM, FAO, Italian regional governments (Lazio, Campania, Lombardia, Umbria, Toscana), pharmaceutical companies, psychotherapy schools, during exhibitions (boat, tourism, environment, energy shows), 13th FINA World Championships Roma 09 and for multinational companies, agencies and associations

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