

Hi, my name is Thy. I am a polyglot who is happy to have translation/interpretation freelance jobs

Phiên Dịch Viên
Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Việt, Tiếng Pháp
Hướng dẫn viên du lịch, Trực gian hàng, Tháp tùng, Họp thông thường, Họp cấp cao, Đàm phán, M&A, Đồng thời (1 trong 2 người)
Bachelor's degree
3 years of experience

Events Collaborator at Campus France

- Created public presentations for the annual live forum of studies in France concerning administrative procedures, student life, housing and local culture

- Organised in-depth round-table discussions and a face-to-face final talk show

- Monitored social media advertising via Facebook and direct advertising by on-the-spot distribution flyers, booklets and brochures

Forum Administrator at Mundo Lingo

Translate all messages across Chinese-English-French at live channels

Newcomer Welcome Party at Strasbourg

- Ensured assistance in temporary accommodation to Vietnamese newcomers and tourists

- Helped respond to questions concerning administrative procedures in Strasbourg for international students (visa, work holiday pass, allocation, bank account)

Economics and Management
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